August, 2023
I recently traveled to southern New Mexico to pick up my son (different story). It’s a two day drive, so I knew I would need to stay somewhere overnight. That place happened to be Shamrock, Texas where I found a great Air B&B at the Shamrock Country Inn (yep, motels use AirB&B too).
As the owner showed me my room there were a couple of retirement age men sitting outside, one of them playing guitar. The owner (Aaron) introduced one by saying “This is Tye. He’s famous.”
I laughed and asked “Famous for playing guitar?”
“Nope,” said the other man. “Tye’s a famous artist. He did these murals all over town,” as he pointed to a large mural across the street.
I struck up a conversation with these delightful old timers, and learned Tye had lived in Shamrock pretty well his whole life, gone to art school with a focus on screen printing (what’s the luck), and is a working muralist in Shamrock, Texas. Tye offered me a tour of his murals first thing in the morning, if I was interested. I thanked him for the offer and scurried off to bed, seeing a vision for tomorrow as me getting in my car first thing in the morning and continuing west.
I slept like a baby that night in my Route 66 motel room, but what was even more interesting was this: in the morning, before my eyes even opened I heard Jenny Green say sternly “Get your ass outta bed and go on that tour!” I rolled out of bed, ran a toothbrush through my mouth, water on my face and ran outside with the zest God gave a goat. Tye sat across the parking lot looking at my door. Now you could think of this as creepy, but as an artist I know this look, this is the look of an artist hoping someone wants to take a gander at their art. “Tye, is it too late?” I holler across the lot. “Can I still go on tour?”
Tye smiles and replies “Yep. Let’s get you some breakfast.”
After making me a Texas shaped waffle I ask “Wanna ride in my car?”
Tye says “Nah, my truck’s great for the tour.” Again, you can think ‘creepy’, but I personally love a kind stranger with a sense of adventure.
We hop into Tye’s pickup and proceed to have what I would consider a five star life experience. Tye has been painting murals in Shamrock, Texas for over forty years. So many murals that I would say “Is that one yours?” He would laugh and respond “I forgot about that one. I’ve painted so many.”
Tye and I spent about 45 minutes taking the grand art tour of Shamrock, Texas. It was spectacular. The murals were impressive, spectacular even. When we got back to the motel I thanked Tye profusely and told him I would see him again as Tucker and I came back through in a few days. He said he looked forward to meeting Tucker and I knew he meant it. And then: Tye Thompson bowed and Namaste’d me. Not even kidding. I felt my face lemon up in this moment of profound awe and beauty.
I left Shamrock Country Inn reminded of my belief in two things:
listen to the voice that speaks before my eyes open
don’t subscribe to stranger danger. It’s bad for community.

I am so honored to have spent time learning about Tye and his art. His community is proud of the work he does. I wonder if Tye Thompson will teach me how to paint murals? Could I do an art residency in Shamrock, Texas and stay at the Shamrock Country Inn? Can I become a student of Tye Thompson: famous muralist?
Tye so graciously let me take some video of him and his art while on tour. He says lots of people like to video him, but was disappointed he forgot his cowboy hat for the videos. Here is that Half-Pint Adventure: